Competitive Analytics
Benchmark the user experience of your products against the competition.
Get to Know Your Competitive Landscape, from the Consumers’ Point of View
In the age of the consumer, shoppers have the power, not brands, and product reviews play a big role. 90% of consumers rely on product reviews when evaluating a product for purchase. Brands can analyze this post-purchase feedback and turn the insights into powerful market opportunities to help keep and maintain their competitive edge.
Smart companies are using competitive analytics to gain an edge.
Develop products consumers love
Write more accurate product descriptions
Inform engineering change orders
Center marketing efforts on the consumer
Track Amazon Reviews
Gain a Competitive Edge
Understand Customer Expectations
Respond to Negative Reviews
Implications for every Department
Product Development
A garment manufacturer switched back to its old elastic supplier after hearing that customers hated the change on its boxer shorts.
A hydration company features product review data in its annual sales meeting to show what’s hot and what’s not with consumers.
Surprised by how well the product was being reviewed, an electronics company relayed this to its salesforce to encourage mid-season reorders.
After seeing reviews about the “packability” of its new down jacket, one company started pushing this in marketing messaging.
A shoe company is using Channel Signal data to give feedback about quality to its factories and to make more informed orders based on customer hype.
Customer Service
A toy manufacturer’s factory was shipping products with missing parts, and customer service was able to attain those parts for quick shipment to resolve the issue.
The Channel Signal Difference? We handle the messy stuff.
Start making better decisions driven by user experience.
Contact us at (800) 645-0741 or sales@localhost