
Product Reviews Leading Indicators of Sales

Product Reviews are Leading Indicators of a Product’s Performance

Are you getting pressure to measure sales and sales alone? Revenue and Profit are critical metrics, no doubt. Unfortunately they are they are focused on the past. A sale does not forecast a future sale. But there are metrics that can help you accurately predict sales. Let’s contrast these two indicators. Lagging vs. Leading Indicators …

Product Reviews are Leading Indicators of a Product’s Performance Read More »


2020 Super Bowl LIV Commercials Compared to What the Target Consumer Really Wants

We’ve been talking a lot recently about ads vs. reviews. One is big budget, the other is high trust. There’s no more famously big budget ad than a Super Bowl ad. Here are three Super Bowl commercials from 2020, a synopsis of their storylines, and then the storylines consumers really care about, as revealed in …

2020 Super Bowl LIV Commercials Compared to What the Target Consumer Really Wants Read More »

amazon product control for brands

Ways to Gain Control Over Your Brand’s Amazon Product Detail Page

At Channel Signal, we believe that if a customer takes the time to write a product review, a brand should know what it says. What does that have to do with your Amazon product detail page? Everything. Let me explain. Why Your Brand’s Amazon Detail Page Matters If you’re a brand or manufacturer, know this: …

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Fake reviews don't matter

Some Reviews are Fake: Three Reasons that Doesn’t Matter

News Flash: There are Fake Reviews Out There. In 2016, Amazon made a big push to remove incentivized reviews from its platform. What it actually succeeded at doing is driving those “pay for review” services further into the dark spaces of the internet. The practice is said to be happening just as frequently, if not …

Some Reviews are Fake: Three Reasons that Doesn’t Matter Read More »

Tim Buying Journey

7 Decision-Making Factors in the Customer Buying Journey

Tim’s Journey to a Fitness Tracker Purchase Ever since he got that new office job, Tim has gained some weight. He’d like to shed some pounds, and starts thinking about gym memberships, but gets distracted. Meanwhile, his co-worker Jenny has lost 10 pounds. He notices on her Facebook feed that she has been posting stats …

7 Decision-Making Factors in the Customer Buying Journey Read More »